
Showing posts from December, 2018

Final Practicum Reflection

I learned a lot throughout the course of my practicum experience. I had a great time at my placement at Mt. Blue Middle School in a 7th grade Social Studies classroom. This experience further solidified my love for teaching middle school. This experience is coming to an end soon, so here is my final that reflects what this experience meant to me. I hope you all enjoy!

Student Teaching Portfolios

On Tuesday (12/4) and Thursday (12/6), I attended the student teaching portfolios event at UMF. It was great to see where I will be at the end of my program and to see the hard work the students put into their semester-long field experiences. It was great to see the range of student programs represented, from Early Childhood all to Secondary Education. For my in-field practicum seminar course, we were asked to take a selfie with two of the tables. I took pictures with two tables, both the exact same path as myself, Secondary Education Social Studies. It was a great experience attending portfolios and I am looking forward to going again in the spring.