Teacher Resources to Feed Your Continuous Learning
Hi, I'm back! I had a great three weeks in the field. I learned a lot from my mentor and I got the opportunity to teach many lessons. I am very excited to go back in three weeks. Tonight I am back sharing some cool resources that my peers shared from their wise teachers and my own. I got the chance to go through these really cool tools and pick out my favorite things, some things that I might use in my classroom. I like, I wish, I wonder Gallery Walk example found on bie.org On BIE.com, many educators are talking about Project Based Learning (PBL) and how we can engage students to take pride in their own learning. Something that I really enjoyed was how educator John Larmer wrote about doing a gallery walk for his students. In some of my classes, we have done gallery walks for our projects. Most of the time we got small notes or verbal feedback about our work that might have helped us currently in that moment. This educator talked about putting all of these comment...