SOUNdTracking Technology in the Classroom
Hi, Everyone!
Welcome back to my blog. I haven't posted in the past week, because I have busy working on assignments for my practicum. This week in my EDU 222, I was able to explore the awesome Innovation and Success center at Mt. Blue High School in Farmington. My classmates and I were able to understand how technology plays a even bigger role in the classroom, through productivity and focus.
This week, we were given an assignment on how to connect music to the role of technology in the classroom. Here are the connections I made with the songs I chose:
Forever by Chris Brown: I was able to connect this song to the fact that technology is always changing at such a fast pace. The tools that my classmates and I used when we were in school for technology have improved and changed to become more engaging and advanced. As future educators, we have to be able to keep up with the constant change and implement it into our classrooms. I was able to connect this concept to this line in the lyrics, "Movin' at the speed of light into eternity". Technology is improving at such a fast pace and will not stop anytime soon.
Seven Years Old by Lukas Graham: This song really speaks to development and how we learn and grow. Lukas Graham turned this song into a narrative about his life, starting at seven years old. I thought of this song as things change and it might get difficult, but we must keep our goals in mind and keep a positive attitude when trying. "I only see my goals, I don't believe in failure; 'Cause I know the smallest voices, they can make it major," our students have a voice and will tell us how they learn and what they like. Also, students have a voice and can use it responsibly through education to have say in the great scheme of things.
Life Changes by Thomas Rhett: In Thomas Rhett's song "Life Changes", he talks about how events in our lives cannot be predicted and how they keep on changing. In terms of technology in the classroom, it keeps on changing. It changes the way we instruct, learn, and assess and we have to roll with it. "Ain't it funny how life changes; You wake up, ain't nothing the same and life changes; You can't stop it, just hop on the train and; You never know what's gonna happen; You make your plans and you hear god laughing; Life changes, and I wouldn't change it for the world, the world, oh no," these changes are positive to our learning and our school experience.
Thanks for stopping by! I will be posting again soon on how I plan to use Google Apps in my unit about the Holocaust.
Thanks for stopping by! I will be posting again soon on how I plan to use Google Apps in my unit about the Holocaust.
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